Love the book, got some of the churros cookies in the oven right now, they smell great.

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Great first choice!

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Congratulations on publication Edd - it's going to be a fun one to cook from for sure

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Congratulations! Loved all of you previous books so this is hotly anticipated addition.. As a transplanted Yank living in the UK for decades, I use all measures equally well (but the science geek in me loves weighing, just as you do in chemistry). I am open minded enough to know that bar cookies (tray bakes here) are borderline cookies. That said, I have been known to makes cookie recipes as bars (chocolate chip is the classic - great to bring to events when you don’t want the extra work of scooping and filling numerous trays), so that should twist your editors noodle 😝

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I find this question endlessly fascinating as well. In part because in Germany, where I was born, we just have “Kekse” - an umbrella term for all kinds of cookies.

Interestingly enough, black and white cookies are called “Amerikaner” in Germany and are typically the size of a pastry and eaten like one. So Amerikaner would never be considered cookies in Germany but rather pastries or individual or mini cakes

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It’s so fascinating, I love the way language changes and adapts as it travels and how the same product can be viewed entirely different because of the language.

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Also, one category of popular cookies in Germany are of course Lebkuchen, ie gingerbread. Yet the “kuchen” in Lebkuchen of course means “cake” but Lebkuchen can be anything from rock hard cookies to very soft miniature cakes - the spices used being the decisive factor

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Awesome!! 😎 I love your recipes and your writing! Do you know if there is a way to take your recipes and make them gluten free without too much of a loss in taste or texture? I am starting to bake from scratch and need to do so gluten free.

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Many recipes will work with a simple switch to a shop bought gluten free flour blend, cookies and cake work particularly well with a simple swap

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Thank you! I can’t wait to get your book and try these delicious recipes out!

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I am loving your Small Batch Cookies book Edd. Loving the baking insipration and my family are loving the cookies.

What is also great is that the “small batchness” means I can make a test version and then “fiddle” like I do with all recipes 🤣. I compare %’s, compare with very old recipes and traditional recipes.

Granny here - and I have much less of a sweet tooth than you, so am reducing all sugar content to about 75% of your recipes. And high cholesterol so I have to change up the butter content. Finding ricebran oil works well - sometimes with a reduction in water content to make up for the % in butter (like using just egg yolk instead of whole egg)

Have made a few batches of the lemon curd ones with lime zest and lime curd (made with half butter and half lemon-infused olive oil) as my neighbour gave me bucketfuls of limes. And I have added ground almonds and egg yolk (clearly not vegan any more) to the Lebkuchen which works well. The buckwheat flour in your recipe is genius though!

My step-daughter is coeliac so we are LOVING the fact that many are GF options!

Congrats on the book, and I hope you don’t mind that I “fiddle” with your recipes 😁.

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Lovely book! I’m especially delighted that you have egg yolk and egg white recipes, though I will have to deal with having 12 cookies at once… ( yes know I could freeze the dough, this was a nearly foolproof excuse)

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A big congratulations on your book and many many recipes shared in there! It has motivated me to start baking more cookies! your book is on my Christmas wish list!

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Thanks for the thought regarding the heating of the oven. Airfryers is a good alternative and sometimes you have these small ovens in student accommodation or beds sits and they don’t take as much energy to heat up as an oven that can for a Christmas bird

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Very true, perfect for a small table top oven

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This makes it a perfect cook no bake book for the start of uni season…

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Please come to Florida!

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Sadly never visited the state, maybe for the next tour

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Congratulations! I’ll look for a copy here in Melbourne.

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It should be available in most bookshops but hope you find it easily

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Bought it today!

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I can't wait until October 6th! DC!!! Thank you!

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I can’t wait for the DC event, I visited the city once when I was 18 but not since and certainly no book events before. Where should I check out whilst in the city?

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Oh my goodness. I gave a 3 day tour to my best friend from Bath UK, tour of everything you would want to see. Start at the Jefferson Memorial. Then stay on the same side and start walking. There is Memorials hidden behind shrubbery. Simply fascinating memorials! We did it in daily segments. Needless to say, you MUST visit all the Smithsonian Museums!! They can take 2 days per. Massive and interesting. The Holocaust Museum is a must! SO much to see, eat and enjoy!

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I did lots of the historical sites and a few of the museums when I was a student but sadly have little free time on this trip, hoping to find a good local bakery to check out whilst in the city

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Seylou is among the best in the city. All locally-sourced ingredients and freshly milled whole grain bakes! Their almond croissant is one of my favorites. Yellow is also a top notch bakery. Congrats on the book and looking forward to your Bold Fork Books event!

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Oh I was just told about Seylou, sounds like my kind of bakery

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Baked & Wired on Thomas Jefferson St NW is great!

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I’ll add it to my list!

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