A generous thing to do by supplying this recipe Edd, as usual I have thoroughly enjoyed your blog, and am impressed at your dedication to ensure the products you recommend actually do what they say.
Its not no, looks I deleted the almonds by accident. I have updated the recipe to include the almonds. You could also use other finely ground nuts if you wanted a different flavour
A generous thing to do by supplying this recipe Edd, as usual I have thoroughly enjoyed your blog, and am impressed at your dedication to ensure the products you recommend actually do what they say.
Was keen to try this but…Almond frangipane with no almonds in the ingredients list? Is that right??
Its not no, looks I deleted the almonds by accident. I have updated the recipe to include the almonds. You could also use other finely ground nuts if you wanted a different flavour
Yes almonds have been added to ingredients, but not to the instructions. Will ground nuts give a creamy frangipane, or is that in the missing step?
Also, beginning the braid is easy; it is how to make a tidy end that I would love to see.
Sounds delicious; am eager to make this. And reading more of your blog.
This looks amazing! But is the almond frangipane missing the almonds in the ingredients list??
It is, good spot, accidentally deleted the almonds. Have added them back in. Thanks for the heads up